Every Accident

Accidents in Taunton Deane

Data on this site is no longer being updated. For the latest in accident stats, plus other road data, please visit our new site at MABCU - Data for road nerds

Accidents by Year

Trend line is a rolling average of total accidents

Year Fatal Serious Slight Total
1979 12 124 214 350
1980 9 154 207 370
1981 9 146 254 409
1982 16 140 223 379
1983 4 135 242 381
1984 12 121 252 385
1985 9 100 274 383
1986 6 107 248 361
1987 10 91 287 388
1988 8 91 317 416
1989 7 61 337 405
1990 9 76 429 514
1991 5 49 304 358
1992 1 63 309 373
1993 1 63 274 338
1994 6 59 315 380
1995 9 59 318 386
1996 5 66 319 390
1997 8 58 359 425
1998 11 52 347 410
1999 6 40 344 390
2000 3 35 397 435
2001 5 34 393 432
2002 7 47 344 398
2003 5 53 313 371
2004 5 50 331 386
2005 5 49 355 409
2006 5 54 323 382
2007 5 45 315 365
2008 2 46 289 337
2009 6 29 241 276
2010 1 38 256 295
2011 4 27 227 258
2012 4 23 188 215
2013 8 27 219 254
2014 5 24 211 240 is a Good Stuff website.