Every Accident

Accidents in Uttlesford

Data on this site is no longer being updated. For the latest in accident stats, plus other road data, please visit our new site at MABCU - Data for road nerds

Accidents by Year

Trend line is a rolling average of total accidents

Year Fatal Serious Slight Total
1979 12 114 227 353
1980 9 88 199 296
1981 8 112 202 322
1982 9 129 200 338
1983 7 103 239 349
1984 9 93 221 323
1985 5 103 221 329
1986 5 101 244 350
1987 9 102 305 416
1988 10 95 323 428
1989 8 98 343 449
1990 3 75 285 363
1991 6 73 273 352
1992 5 59 224 288
1993 4 61 265 330
1994 9 72 270 351
1995 6 65 308 379
1996 7 80 273 360
1997 8 75 292 375
1998 7 60 296 363
1999 14 57 309 380
2000 9 84 337 430
2001 10 91 341 442
2002 5 69 277 351
2003 10 89 267 366
2004 8 50 276 334
2005 8 48 229 285
2006 6 60 210 276
2007 7 55 187 249
2008 2 54 185 241
2009 4 31 144 179
2010 0 37 128 165
2011 6 41 133 180
2012 4 40 131 175
2013 3 23 180 206
2014 1 43 148 192 is a Good Stuff website.